Pages management and tagging system

Hierarchies I just realized I've placed collapse ("-") buttons next to the pages below the characters page in the attached image - my intention was to show a heirarchial style line connecting them up to the parent page. Anyways, for the pages pane the idea is to be able to create hierarchies for the pages, so it can be less cluttered when you're forcusing on certain pages. I would suggest you'd have as many levels of heirarchy that you can support. You can see how the characters page is the parent for different character sheet pages. "Plotline 2.3" is collapsed, and has at least one child page underneath it. I suggest to follow the convention showing a horizontal line as an indiction of where the page gets dropped. Creating the hierarchy should be a drag & drop action, hovering over one of the pages over the right half of the soon-to-be parent page would change its background color to signal what's about to happen. If the author chooses to drop, all the dragged items would become children of the parent. Pulling a child out of a parent is done by dragging it above it or below the next page appearing after its last child in the left pane. For example, if I want to drag Guaire's character sheet out of the characters parent page, I can drag it above the page labeled "Characters", keeping to the left half of the label, and dropping it. I suggest you show the parent collapsed at that point, so to show the added hierarchy / aded items in the heirarchy. It's annoying in systems that don't do that to do it anyways manually, to make sure you drop what you intended where you intended to drop it. It would help if the parent and the new children would flicker. Meta button: On the top right there is a Meta button, and underneath it dangle the relevant tags for the page. For example, a tag for another character the one described in the page has a relationship or encounters with, which plotline he's related to, and other pages relevant to mentioning his partictipance. That's one use case of it, for the direct benefit of the author. Tapping/clicking the Meta button would expand/collapse the tags. You should, of course, have the AI survey the tags when queried for write and other features, helping it to better understand the context of the page in relation with other pages, so you could allocate a part of the prompt for the AI to go to the other pages and collect relevant references from the tags, in hopes he would stick more to existing plotlines/characters/setting etc.; The name of the page itself is the first tag, and there's no need to display it as well. The + button at the end of the dangling list would allow you to manually add tags (you could cap its size to 5 visibile items, and have it scrollable if there are more than 5 to display). However, when saving the page or at certain intervals, the AI could read the page and add tags it deems relevant (for example: character names, important objects or setting scenery, etc.) You could also make the tags act as buttons, that would grey out pages they don't appear in, or just hiding them, so it helps the author locate references in other pages related to the tag, and keep coherence across the various texts. For example, in the image below, if I were to tap the "Daphine" tag, only the page I'm in and any pages tagged with "Daphine" would remain highlighted. For the example's sake, let's assume the page "Plotline 2.3", and of course the page labeled "Daphine" have the same tag, and would be highlighted, or maybe even sorted to the top of the list. I thought of something else, might be worth separating it out, but possibly the tags can be used as the find function (like in word or a browser) and would highlight the word in the tag within the text.