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My workspace houses three different projects and a set of notes, so an archive, some folders (for both Sudo's suggestions and for project cards), and eventually tags would be superb!
The workspace gets crowded quickly. And I'd assumed that if you hit the "thumbs down" icon on a suggestion, it would go away (by that I mean be archived, not trashed.) So I was surprised that's not how it works. I know we have favorites, but while you're in the context and flow of a story, fishing for the right suggestions or through the Favorites page is fairly disruptive.
I'll 2nd this. Being able to organize and/or tag stories for filtering purposes would be very useful.
Yes, and to be able to amagalmate projects or move a card and all it's existing suggestions from one project to another would be awesome.
Yes, I have a few projects I'm done with and want to get rid of, but I'd prefer an archive options instead of delete.
I agree, I would want folders to organize series as well. An archive would be so useful to clean up workspaces!