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In your 'CARDS' heading you need to allow the choice of one (1) along with the 2 through 4. The reason is that when I used the 'REWRITE/CUSTOM' with my input of 'WRITE IN 3RD PERSON' you give me 2 choices? when one is all that is needed. I have attached below [a] my input text in REWRITE/CUSTOM and [b] + [c] the exact same two outputs which each use up 300 words each. i.e. I'm losing the word count due to the repeat because I cannot chose 1 (one) in CARDS instead of 2 through 4.
Tonight, I lay directly under the open hold mouth.
The moon rose over the sea and shone brightly in the dark sky. Fatigue had begun to settle over each of us. We sat quietly in a sea of quiet chatter, relishing our fresh air, until one of the crew members walked through the hold yelling, "All men on deck! Storm is at hand!"
As we all scrambled to escape the slave quarters and scampered up on deck, screams rang out.
Waves crashed again and again and our ship was tossed around violently.
"We're going to perish!" someone shouted.
The other slaves crowded to the edge of the ship, staring at the black mass rushing towards us. The captain screamed orders at his mates, but they were cries unrecognizable to us, lost amidst the roar of the sea crashing against our ship and the wind carrying here there words away. I stood frozen in fear as others screamed for their lives.
I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped that maybe this all was just a bad dream... That maybe I'd wake up soon from this nightmare. Yet when I opened my eyes, I saw scowling bullets of rain whipping past me and ripping into me with their icy sting. There was no waking up from this nightmare, and as wave upon wave tossed me about in their violent dance, I worried I might never leave it.
My eye caught that of another slave, who clung to a rope for dear life. Tied to it was a small child, who clung back just as desperately. They cried out for help, but the storm refused to grant them a reprieve. Soon after the child had taken its first gulp of salty water, it too was granted its soulful release.
Tonight, they lay directly under the open hold mouth.
The moon rose over the sea and shone brightly in the dark sky. Fatigue had begun to settle over each of them. They sat quietly in a sea of quiet chatter, relishing their fresh air, until one of the crew members walked through the hold yelling, "All men on deck! Storm is at hand!"
As they all scrambled to escape the slave quarters and scampered up on deck, screams rang out.
Waves crashed again and again and their ship was tossed around violently.
"We're going to perish!" someone shouted.
The other slaves crowded to the edge of the ship, staring at the black mass rushing towards them. The captain screamed orders at his mates, but they were cries unrecognizable to them, lost amidst the roar of the sea crashing against their ship and the wind carrying them there. They stood frozen in fear as others screamed for their lives.
They squeezed their eyes shut and hoped that maybe this all was just a bad dream... That maybe they'd wake up soon from this nightmare. Yet when they opened their eyes, they saw scowling bullets of rain whipping past them and ripping into them with their icy sting. There was no waking up from this nightmare, and as wave upon wave tossed them about in their violent dance, they worried they might never leave it.
Their eye caught that of another slave, who clung to a rope for dear life. Tied to it was a small child, who clung back just as desperately. They cried out for help, but the storm refused to grant them a reprieve. Soon after the child had taken its first gulp of salty water, it too was granted its soulful release.
Tonight, they lay directly under the open hold mouth.
The moon rose over the sea and shone brightly in the dark sky. Fatigue had begun to settle over each of them. They sat quietly in a sea of quiet chatter, relishing their fresh air, until one of the crew members walked through the hold yelling, "All men on deck! Storm is at hand!"
As they all scrambled to escape the slave quarters and scampered up on deck, screams rang out.
Waves crashed again and again and their ship was tossed around violently.
"They're going to perish!" someone shouted.
The other slaves crowded to the edge of the ship, staring at the black mass rushing towards them. The captain screamed orders at his mates, but they were cries unrecognizable to them, lost amidst the roar of the sea crashing against their ship and the wind carrying their words away. They stood frozen in fear as others screamed for their lives.
They squeezed their eyes shut and hoped that maybe this all was just a bad dream... That maybe they'd wake up soon from this nightmare. Yet when they opened their eyes, they saw scowling bullets of rain whipping past them and ripping into them with their icy sting. There was no waking up from this nightmare, and as wave upon wave tossed them about in their violent dance, they worried they might never leave it.
Their eye caught that of another slave, who clung to a rope for dear life. Tied to it was a small child, who clung back just as desperately. They cried out for help, but the storm refused to grant them a reprieve. Soon after the child had taken its first gulp of salty water, it too was granted its soulful release.