Snowflake Method Story Builder

The 10-step process of the snowflake mothed really helps break down a blank canvas into creatively constrained bite-sized pieces. It also helps one figure out exactly what to write about. **Step 1 - One Sentence Summary** * Example: "A hobbit learns that his magic ring is the key to saving Middle Earth from the Dark Lord—The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien." **Step 2 - Expand The Sentence** * Identify the setup or introduction * The three key turning points (call to action, plot-twist or new discovery, lowest-point or show-down) * And the conclusion or climax **Step 3 - Main Character Summary** * One paragraph summary per character **Step 4 - Sentence To A Paragraph** * Expand each sentence in Step 2 into a paragraph **Step 5 - Description Of Characters** * Exapand Step 3 into a page or more per character * Tell the story from the viewpoint of each character * Include as much information as possible and get to “know” the character **Step 6 - Expand Plot Synopsis** * Exapand each paragraph from Step 4 into a page or more **Step 7 - Create Character Charts / Profiles** **Step 8 - Create Scene List** * One line scene description * About 50 to 100 scenes **Step 9 - Describe Each Scene** * Write a multi-paragraph narrative description of each scene. * Include a list of characters and a description of what happens in the scene. **Step 10 - First Draft** (Taken from [BubbleCow's 10-Step Snowflake Method]( For Step 1, I used sudowrite's story builder to create a synopsis close to what I wanted. Then I used ChatGPT to condense it into a one sentence description with examples for reference. Examples were taken from BubbleCow. For Step 2, I used ChatGPT to generate a handful of generic conflicts. From those I selected my top 5 and ordered them by preference. I then had ChatGPT generate more refined conflicts with respect to my collections. I made changes, added plot twists, and even blended a few conflicts together using weights % until I could get a more ideal synopsis. From that, ChatGPT could generate the setup, key turning points, and conclusion - each two or three sentence summaries.