Sometimes Less is More

A good editor knows that quality work isn't just about what you add, but also what you're willing to remove. Here are some recent improvements we've made to Sudowrite, in pursuit of a calmer more focused writing app.

Farewell to Shrink Ray & Characters - We removed two infrequently-used features from the Plugins dropdown: Shrink Ray and Characters. Both of these features predate Plugins, and authors can now easily find or build even more powerful tools to accomplish what these did (—including using Story Bible's own updated Characters section).

Simplified Story Bible Boxes - Word counts no longer appear for every Story Bible box all the time. Instead, they only appear when you have a box selected. We also removed the ? icons. Those have been replaced with relevant section-specific context, surfaced only when a box is selected (as below).

CleanShot 2024-09-17 at 10.00.56@2x.png-6981

Advanced Plugin Model Replacements - Several dated AI models were recently deprecated by their providers, including GPT 4 32k and OpenOrca. We updated Advanced Plugins powered by these models to use current equivalents, and communicated the change to affected Plugin creators so they can make further updates if desired.

And there are a handful of other minor improvements:

  • We made the Visbility menu (beneath the ••• on Characters and Worldbuilding) more legible in dark themes.
  • We added a missing space in the Generate Beats tooltip on hover. (It's the little things.)
  • And we've made it so that the right sidebar (also known as your History section) will pop open once an AI feature has been used. We hope this better surfaces the AI output for folks who might have otherwise missed it due to a collapsed sidebar.

Here's hoping these improvements bring a sense of calm to your process. 🧘

What do you think about this update?