Here's a selection of some product refinements and bug fixes that we've recently shipped.
Plugins Directory Pagination - With over 1,000 published plugins, the load time on the directory was getting longer—especially on slower networks and lower-spec devices. We added pagination to the plugin directory to improve load times.
Quick Chat Context Fix - Quick Chat should understand what you're looking at in your current document, even when you don't have anything selected. It was not receiving that context, but Quick Chat is now aware of the text preceding your cursor.
Linked Chapters Dropdown Menu - Too many chapters and too little screen real estate previously resulted in a lengthy linked chapters menu that could overflow the page. We capped the menu height and made it scrollable, so you'll no longer have to scroll your entire document to select later chapters.
Worldbuilding Trait Addition Confirmation - When you add a custom trait to an existing Worldbuilding template, you're supposed to receive confirmation it has been applied to your existing elements. That was not the case. But now it is!
As always, thank you for raising these issues to our attention. Keep them coming folks!