🧩 Plugins Now Available

Plugins are a way for anyone to create features of their own in Sudowrite. The best part is you can both share your plugin with others, and use plugins built by the community. ![CleanShot 2023-12-22 at 10.32.52@2x.png-7119](BASE/products/985904264/changelog/29288/inline-0660919ed0105a02607991dd102aae33.jpg) **What do they do?** Plugins enhance your workflow, and they can do practically anything. They may [help you come up with sequel ideas](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugin/cpa0m6rdo/generate-a-sequel-idea), [talk to your characters](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugin/Q5nEGXnKT/characters-prompt-the-author), [make them more sinister](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugin/ZAxNVqneV/darkify-characters), or [develop them using enneagram types](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugin/07t7nFWKP/character-arc-and-voice-template). There are even plugins to [simulate your readers, get brutally honest feedback](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugins/category/analysis-and-feedback), [create query letters, or write social media copy for your book](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugins/category/marketing). Authors have created [over 1,000 plugins so far](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plugins)! **How to use plugins** If you're on a credits-based plan, click the 🧩 Plugins menu in your document toolbar to browse plugins or make your own. No coding knowledge is required to build a plugin; Just give Sudowrite some basic instructions for what it should do. Plugins are made possible by our switch from AI Words to Credits (just like the new Experimental models available in Write and Chapter Generator). You'll need a credits-based plan to use Plugins, but don't worry—if that's not the case already, you'll be moved over soon! To switch immediately, go to "Manage Membership" in ⚙️ Settings or email hi@sudowrite.com.