📒 Documentation Update

The [Sudowrite Manual](https://sudowrite.notion.site/Sudowrite-Manual-a7f14fca0aa14035bc84b04c35d93b14?pvs=4) has been updated to reflect our refreshed user interface and other recent feature changes. The update includes the [Story Bible Guide](https://sudowrite.notion.site/Story-Bible-Guide-7cffc29ac9094a6e82ae517cd7fbb81c?pvs=4), which offers a primer on Story Bible and how to use it. Whether you're new to Sudowrite or just looking for a refresher on how our core features work, you can now get a full overview in the updated [Sudowrite Manual](https://sudowrite.notion.site/Sudowrite-Manual-a7f14fca0aa14035bc84b04c35d93b14?pvs=4). Questions not addressed by the manual? Join our [community Discord server](discord.gg/sudowrite) and drop them into the help channel! On top of helping yourself, you'll help us expand the manual and our FAQ in the future.